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Why does my cat attack me and no one else?

Cat aggression can sometimes be unexpected and distressing. Most cat owners do not understand why their furry friends often scourge them or how they can prevent the behavior from happening in the future. It is particularly perplexing and distressing to find your beloved companion attacking you and no one else, especially if the feline is friendly and affectionate. This can make you wonder what the kitty is up to and what is causing it to behave.

Cat bites and scratches can be so dangerous, raising the risk for blood-borne diseases, infections on the injured parts, and other complications that lead to complications that cause long-term effects on the injury. But this form of aggression has a solution if approached in the right way.

Why does my cat attack me and no one else?

Still, wondering why your cat only attacks you? Here are some of the reasons why it does so. These reasons are diverse and can range from anxiety and fear, neurological problems, behavior, and other health issues. The first reason can be like the cat smells an odor of an animal on you, so she thinks you prefer the animals. Or you are treating the pet differently from how you treat other family members without your consent.

Moreover, if you are the cat’s primary caregiver, then spend much time on her, creating more chances for aggression. The more time you spend together, the more opportunities for attack. Being the one who mainly takes care of the cat-like feeding it, grooming, and even grooming, you can fall victim to kitty aggression. Additionally, a communication style mismatch with your feline can make it hostile to you. Fortunately, you can eliminate these aggressions by managing interactions with the cat.

Other reasons why your cat attacks you and no one else

  • To get attention

Cats need to feel love and care for them, so if they think that they do not get the attention, they will use all possible ways to get the attention, including aggression.

  • The smell of other animals

A cat can sometimes pick on attacking one particular person because of the specific smell from the person.

  • Territoriality

If you work with other animals, like cats and dogs, they can trigger a fear response in your feline. Kitties are highly territorial, and just a scent of a dangerous dog or strange cat can bring about tension which the cat directs to you as the source of the odor. This can happen if you work with other sources of string scents like foodstuffs, paint, building material, and perfumes. To avoid aggressions after your work, it is advisable to change your clothes or wash them before interacting with your kitty.

  • Playing rough

If the feline attacks you when stocking her, then maybe you are giving her too much stimulation.

Overstimulation can make the kitty attack you, so do it sparingly.

  • Invading its personal space

If you are fond of invading your kitty’s personal space, then you can fall victim to its attacks.

  • Fear and anxiety

Doing something that upsets or scares the kitty can make it aggressive. If you do something that irritates your kitty or makes it scared, the cat can turn on you and attack you. These fellows are sometimes averse to the individual punishing them or acted unpleasantly to it.

  • Redirected aggression

Redirected aggression is the most dangerous and eccentric form of feline aggression. This is ordinary gift cats used to be alone or as the only pets in a home. If the pet owner tends to introduce a new pet, the cat will express redirected aggression to the owner.

Too early weaning also brings about this kind of aggression because cats spend a lot of time lonely. A redirected attack happens when your cat can’t lash at something that agitates it and, therefore, turn the emotions to you. For example, if your cat runs away from a canine and you block its way, it will vent its anger on you to release its frustrations.

Signs of aggression in cats

Posture is the primary indicator of aggression and if you see any of the following signs, keep off from the felines to avoid an attack.

  • The cats confront you instead of leaning it, blinking in the opposite direction.
  • The cat directly stares at you and looks forward
  • The total directs straight down
  • Ears point upright with the back slightly forward
  • The fur stands up
  • Hissing and grueling

Can cat bites be dangerous?

Yes, cat bites are so dangerous and fatal if not taken seriously. The bites can leave deep punctured gashes because of their sharp teeth. Moreover, the bites host a massive amount of bacteria into the cut and the body because they do not brush their teeth regularly. Cat wounds are prone to infections and sometimes can be even more severe than dog bites. Their teeth’ sharpness makes deep cuts that are hard to clean.

What to do if the cat becomes aggressive?

  • Consult the veterinarian

If your cat’s aggressiveness has gone beyond what you can handle, it is essential to seek the vet’s help. The vet will tell if your cat has an underlying medical condition responsible for the aggressiveness.

  • Be gentle

It is perplexing to see your furry companion attack you, but you should remain rational and act sensibly. Sometimes you might be forced to kick the kitty thinking that you are correcting the behavior, but in a real sense, you are not. Do not punish the feline because your relationship can become even worse.

How to prevent your feline from attacking you

  • Understand the root cause of hostility
  • Know the signs and learn to avoid it
  • Fix the problem


Cats are adorable, fun, and cute to be around as companions. However, these cute companions can sometimes show some fiercely deviant behaviors. But despite this, most people worldwide adore the felines despite their aggressive nature and sharp claws. Cats do not attack for no reason; if your cat suddenly starts attacking you, there are various underlying reasons for this behavior. It is upon you to establish the root cause of your kitty’s aggression. With the root cause, then you will be able to control its behavior and provide a solution.

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Categories: Cat Problems Cats

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