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Why Does My Cat Huff?

We are not sure why or what causes your cat to puff out air. The most common reason for a cat huffing is because he or she has eaten something that doesn’t agree with them. It can also be caused by their litter box being dirty, too cold in the room, asthma, or may just be a behavioral issue. We suggest you take your cat to the vet so they can properly diagnose the issue and let him know if it’s serious or not.

We all know that cats “huff” at times when they are bored or out of sorts. However, some cats seem to be more prone to huffing than others. If you have experienced incessant and embarrassing huffing from your cat, then this article is likely for you!

Cat Huffing

The following is a list of common causes for huffing, but do not be alarmed if your cat’s huffing is not mentioned; there are many other potential reasons for huffing.

  • Cat Litter Box Dehydration

If a cat has dry or dirty litter boxes and does not use them frequently, then dehydrated cat litter results. As cats use the litter box, they absorb moisture from the bottom of the box and this leads to dryness. Cat litter should be changed once a month, and you can add more litter to the boxes as needed. It is also necessary to provide enough water for your cat; find out how much your cat should have each day. When cats do not drink enough water, they become dehydrated. Dehydration can cause huffing.

  • Breathing Problems

Cat huffing is often associated with breathing problems in cats. Sometimes cat huffing is a symptom of asthma, so cats that have breathing problems should be examined by the vet.

  • Moldy Food

If you leave food for your cat in a bowl and then forget about it for some time, mold can grow in the food. Cats often like to eat things that they find on the floor or under the furniture because they are scavengers by nature. If you know that your cat has eaten some moldy food, offer them something else to eat right away.

  • Car Issues

Cats often huff when they are in the car due to wind or climate change. If your cat is reading this article, and you know your car has strange smells, take it back to the shop and get it fixed as soon as possible.

  • Stress Levels

Stress levels can sometimes lead to huffing in cats. When a cat is stressed out, they may not pay attention to their body’s needs.

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